# 🎛 Config File ## Path By default autorestic searches for a `.autorestic.yml` file in the current directory, your home folder and your XDG config folder (`~/.config/` by default): - `./.autorestic.yml` - `~/.autorestic.yml` - `~/.config/autorestic/.autorestic.yml` You can also specify a custom file with the `-c path/to/some/config.yml` > **⚠️ WARNING ⚠️** > > Note that the data is automatically encrypted on the server. The key will be generated and added to your config file. Every backend will have a separate key. **You should keep a copy of the keys or config file somewhere in case your server dies**. Otherwise DATA IS LOST! ## Example configuration ```yaml | .autorestic.yml version: 2 locations: home: from: /home/me to: remote important: from: /path/to/important/stuff to: - remote - hdd backends: remote: type: b2 path: 'myBucket:backup/home' env: B2_ACCOUNT_ID: account_id B2_ACCOUNT_KEY: account_key hdd: type: local path: /mnt/my_external_storage ``` ## Aliases A handy tool for more advanced configurations is to use yaml aliases. These must be specified under the global `extras` key in the `.autorestic.yml` config file. Aliases allow to reuse snippets of config throughout the same file. The following example shows how the locations `a` and `b` share the same hooks and forget policies. ```yaml | .autorestic.yml version: 2 extras: hooks: &foo before: - echo "Hello" after: - echo "kthxbye" policies: &bar keep-daily: 14 keep-weekly: 52 backends: # ... locations: a: from: /data/a to: some hooks: <<: *foo options: forget: <<: *bar b: from: data/b to: some hooks: <<: *foo options: forget: <<: *bar ```