package internal import ( "crypto/rand" "encoding/base64" "fmt" "os" "strings" "" "" ) type Backend struct { Name string `mapstructure:"name"` Type string `mapstructure:"type"` Path string `mapstructure:"path"` Key string `mapstructure:"key"` Env map[string]string `mapstructure:"env"` } func GetBackend(name string) (Backend, bool) { c := GetConfig() for _, b := range c.Backends { if b.Name == name { return b, true } } return Backend{}, false } func (b Backend) generateRepo() (string, error) { switch b.Type { case "local": return GetPathRelativeToConfig(b.Path) case "b2", "azure", "gs", "s3", "sftp", "rest": return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", b.Type, b.Path), nil default: return "", fmt.Errorf("backend type \"%s\" is invalid", b.Type) } } func (b Backend) getEnv() (map[string]string, error) { env := make(map[string]string) env["RESTIC_PASSWORD"] = b.Key repo, err := b.generateRepo() env["RESTIC_REPOSITORY"] = repo return env, err } func generateRandomKey() string { b := make([]byte, 64) rand.Read(b) key := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(b) key = strings.ReplaceAll(key, "=", "") key = strings.ReplaceAll(key, "+", "") key = strings.ReplaceAll(key, "/", "") return key } func (b Backend) validate() error { if b.Name == "" { return fmt.Errorf(`Backend has no "name"`) } if b.Type == "" { return fmt.Errorf(`Backend "%s" has no "type"`, b.Name) } if b.Path == "" { return fmt.Errorf(`Backend "%s" has no "path"`, b.Name) } if b.Key == "" { key := generateRandomKey() b.Key = key c := GetConfig() for i, backend := range c.Backends { if backend.Name == b.Name { c.Backends[i].Key = key break } } file := viper.ConfigFileUsed() if err := CopyFile(file, file+".old"); err != nil { return err } colors.Secondary.Println("Saved a backup copy of your file next the the original.") viper.Set("backends", c.Backends) viper.WriteConfig() } env, err := b.getEnv() if err != nil { return err } options := ExecuteOptions{Envs: env} // Check if already initialized _, err = ExecuteResticCommand(options, "snapshots") if err == nil { return nil } else { // If not initialize out, err := ExecuteResticCommand(options, "init") colors.Faint.Println(out) return err } } func (b Backend) Exec(args []string) error { env, err := b.getEnv() if err != nil { return err } options := ExecuteOptions{Envs: env} out, err := ExecuteResticCommand(options, args...) if VERBOSE { colors.Faint.Println(out) } return err } func (b Backend) ExecDocker(l Location, args []string) error { env, err := b.getEnv() if err != nil { return err } volume := l.getVolumeName() path, _ := l.getPath() options := ExecuteOptions{ Command: "docker", Envs: env, } docker := []string{ "run", "--rm", "--entrypoint", "ash", "--workdir", path, "--volume", volume + ":" + path, } if hostname, err := os.Hostname(); err == nil { docker = append(docker, "--hostname", hostname) } if b.Type == "local" { actual := env["RESTIC_REPOSITORY"] docker = append(docker, "--volume", actual+":"+"/repo") env["RESTIC_REPOSITORY"] = "/repo" } for key, value := range env { docker = append(docker, "--env", key+"="+value) } docker = append(docker, "restic/restic", "-c", "restic "+strings.Join(args, " ")) out, err := ExecuteCommand(options, docker...) if VERBOSE { colors.Faint.Println(out) } return err }