# Available Backends In theory [all the restic backends](https://restic.readthedocs.io/en/stable/030_preparing_a_new_repo.html) are supported. Those tested are the following: ## Local ```yaml backends: name-of-backend: type: local path: /data/my/backups ``` ## Backblaze ```yaml backends: name-of-backend: type: b2 path: 'myAccount:myBucket/my/path' env: B2_ACCOUNT_ID: backblaze_account_id B2_ACCOUNT_KEY: backblaze_account_key ``` ## S3 / Minio ```yaml backends: name-of-backend: type: s3 path: s3.amazonaws.com/bucket_name # Minio # path: http://localhost:9000/bucket_name env: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: my_key AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: my_secret ``` ## SFTP For SFTP to work you need to use configure your host inside of ~/.ssh/config as password prompt is not supported. For more information on this topic please see the [official docs](https://restic.readthedocs.io/en/stable/030_preparing_a_new_repo.html#sftp) on the matter. ```yaml backends: name-of-backend: type: sftp path: my-host:/remote/path/on/the/server ``` ## Rest Server See [here](https://github.com/restic/rest-server) for how to install a rest server backend and [here](https://restic.readthedocs.io/en/latest/030_preparing_a_new_repo.html#rest-server) for further documentation. ```yaml backends: name-of-backend: type: rest path: http://localhost:8000/repo_name ``` > :ToCPrevNext