2020-12-04 06:40:52 +01:00

53 lines
1.5 KiB

from os.path import join, dirname
import re
def validate_chunk(chunk, extended=False):
parts = re.split(' |\n', chunk.strip())
password = dict(map(lambda p: p.split(":"), parts))
required = ['byr', 'iyr', 'eyr', 'hgt', 'hcl', 'ecl', 'pid']
if not all(item in password.keys() for item in required):
return False
if not extended:
return True
if not 1920 <= int(password['byr']) <= 2002:
return False
if not 2010 <= int(password['iyr']) <= 2020:
return False
if not 2020 <= int(password['eyr']) <= 2030:
return False
tmp = password['hgt']
hgt = int(tmp[:-2])
unit = tmp[-2:]
if not unit in ['cm', 'in']:
return False
if unit == 'cm' and not 150 <= hgt <= 193:
return False
if unit == 'in' and not 59 <= hgt <= 76:
return False
if not re.match(r'^#[\dabcdef]{6}$', password['hcl']):
return False
if not re.match(r'^\d{9}$', password['pid']):
return False
if password['ecl'] not in ['amb', 'blu', 'brn', 'gry', 'grn', 'hzl', 'oth']:
return False
return True
data = join(dirname(__file__), 'data.txt')
with open(data) as f:
chunks = re.split('\n\n+',
total_simple = 0
total_extended = 0
for chunk in chunks:
total_simple += int(validate_chunk(chunk))
total_extended += int(validate_chunk(chunk, extended=True))
print(f'Simple Validation:\t{total_simple}')
print(f'Extended Validation:\t{total_extended}')