from os.path import join, dirname from typing import List, Optional from itertools import product from copy import deepcopy TSeats = List[List[Optional[bool]]] mapping = { '.': None, '#': True, 'L': False } inv = {v: k for k, v in mapping.items()} class Seats: p = [-1, 0, 1] def __init__(self, plan: str, alt: bool = False) -> None: self.seats: TSeats = [ [ mapping[seat] for seat in row ] for row in plan.strip().split('\n') ] self.max_x = len(self.seats[0]) self.max_y = len(self.seats) self.alt = alt def __str__(self) -> str: return '\n'.join([ ''.join([inv[seat] for seat in row]) for row in self.seats ]) def find_next_in_direction(self, y: int, x: int, dy: int, dx: int) -> Optional[bool]: y += dy x += dx while 0 <= x < self.max_x and 0 <= y < self.max_y: cur = self.seats[y][x] if cur is not None: return cur y += dy x += dx return None def get_occupied(self, y: int, x: int,) -> int: occupied = 0 for dx, dy in product(self.p, self.p): if dx == 0 and dy == 0: continue if self.alt and self.find_next_in_direction(y, x, dy, dx) == True: occupied += 1 else: dx += x dy += y if 0 <= dx < self.max_x and 0 <= dy < self.max_y and self.seats[dy][dx]: occupied += 1 return occupied def iteration(self) -> int: changed = 0 future: TSeats = deepcopy(self.seats) required_to_leave = 4 if self.alt else 3 for y, x in product(range(self.max_y), range(self.max_x)): current = self.seats[y][x] if current == None: continue occupied = self.get_occupied(y, x) if (current == True and occupied > required_to_leave) or (current == False and occupied == 0): future[y][x] = not current changed += 1 self.seats = future return changed def count_occupied(self) -> int: return sum([ sum([ 1 if seat == True else 0 for seat in row ]) for row in self.seats ]) def find_equilibrium(self) -> int: while self.iteration() > 0: pass return self.count_occupied() data = join(dirname(__file__), '../data.txt') with open(data) as f: txt = seats = Seats(txt) print(seats.find_equilibrium()) seats = Seats(txt, True) print(seats.find_equilibrium())